March 2024: Mansion Séance SOLD OUT, Journal Now Available

The Austin Séance returns to San Antonio to commemorate America’s first Fox Sisters séance.

On March 30, we return to San Antonio’s beautiful Villa Finale mansion for a session commemorating America’s first Fox Sisters séance of 1848. (UPDATE:, this session has SOLD OUT.) Then, on April 28, we head out to Austin’s Palmer Events Center, where we’ll be among the featured speakers at the 2024 Austin Witchfest. Find more information here.

Spring Issue of The Austin Séance Quarterly Journal

Our spring issue of The Austin Séance Quarterly Journal , which is out now, features articles about antebellum conjure traditions, about “Sleeping Prophet” Edgar Cayce, about two real-life exorcisms, and about the spirit communication technique known as “table-tipping.” Want to advertise?  Email us at for details.

Also, if you’d like to join our Patreon, you can find the signup links here. Patreon benefits include home delivery of The Austin Séance Quarterly Journal, ticket discounts to workshops and public séances, and free gifts. We use all proceeds from Patreon memberships to pay for writers and artists for the Quarterly Journal, and to finance our production costs. Find more information here.

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