Quarterly Journal Subscription and Advertising Info

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The Austin Séance Quarterly Journal  is the zine-sized publication devoted to the history and practice of American Spiritualism and séances that we deliver directly to your home or business inside the United States. Famous hauntings and historic spiritualists? Pendulums and table tipping? Find sections covering those topics and more. Want to contribute an article? Check out our submission guidelines to find out how. 


Annual subscriptions are just $25. Subscribe here. Alternatively, get home delivery, discounts to presentations by The Austin Séance and other benefits with monthly payments of just $5 to The Austin Séance Patreon at www.patreon.com/TheAustinSeance


We also offer wholesale subscriptions for $100.  At that price, we deliver within the United States 8 copies of four quarterly editions that you can resell or redistribute at your place of business. That’s 32 copies, or less than $3.15 apiece. We cover postage. US distribution only. Find the $100 subscription link here, or make smaller monthly payments (less than $8.50) via Patreon here.


We also accept advertising. The cost is $75 for a single full-page advertisements in the print journal, plus your ad will appear in our occasional email advisories to followers.  Find the advertising  payment link here.  Alternatively, for smaller $20 monthly payments via our Patreon service, your full-page ad will run on a continuing basis for as long as you maintain your Patreon membership. For that option, select the “Advertiser” tier at our Patreon site, found  here.

Please email Jake Cordero at theAustinSeance@gmail.com for details.