6 events found.
Anniversary of First American Seance
On March 31, 1848 — a watershed date in American séance history — Kate and Margaret Fox, just 12 and 15 years old, challenged the entity to communicate with them directly.
Summer Series at The Vortex 8:30 PM
The Vortex 2307 MANOR ROAD,, Austin, TX, United States
Summer Series at The Vortex 8:30 PM
The Vortex 2307 MANOR ROAD,, Austin, TX, United States
Summer Series at The Vortex 10:30 PM
The Vortex 2307 MANOR ROAD,, Austin, TX, United States
Summer Series at The Vortex 8:30 PM
The Vortex 2307 MANOR ROAD,, Austin, TX, United States