The Experience

A. Lucio and Jake Cordero of The Austin Séance demonstrate tools used by working mediums and then employ those tools in a modern recreation of an old-time séance.

The Austin Séance has been featured in Texas Monthly’s Drop Everything List, Austin Monthly, NPR’S Texas Standard radio program, KOOP radio and KUTX’s Eklektikos with John Aielli.

Follow Austin Séance on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Pinterest or email to theaustinseance at gmail dot com. (We’ve spelled out the address to outsmart the robot spammers.)

For entertainment purposes only. Ticketing information can be found here.

Albert Lucio



A. Lucio
Things that go bump in the night have always fascinated A. Lucio. With a degree in sociology and psychology A. Lucio has set out to understand how we shape and are shaped by supernatural beliefs. He has spent years studying ghost hunters, consorting with psychics and researching the occult.







Jake Cordero 
Award-winning journalist Jake Cordero is a longtime student of philosophy and magic. His travels have taken him to Haiti, where he has observed vodou practices, and to Mexico City, where he reported on a series of cult murders. Jake has spent several years working with The Girl Who Knows, an Austin street psychic.